We promised when we started this blog that we would offer DVD suggestions to supplement your classes or to replace classes on rainy days.  DVDs are tough.  It really takes a lot of commitment to do the whole routine and not pretend to do half of it from the couch, or just as bad, do it half-assed.  Just having classmates sometimes gives you the push you need.  Sometimes, distractions get in your way.  No knocks on your front door when you are in a studio.  Nonetheless, they do have their benefits when you just cant make a class for whatever reason.  Its highly recommended that you take a few classes (especially for yoga dvds) before you do a dvd just because you will learn the right way to do a move without pressing pause or more likely, doing it wrong.  DVDs are often "cheaper for a keeper" than one single class, and you can find free workouts online (but make sure you can really see the screen) or better yet, FREE at the local library (you'd be surprised at how good their collection is....and while you are there, pick up the last season of Mad Men or Entourage to treat yourself after your workout). 

"Ballet Body: CoreWorkout" with Leah Sarago (Acorn Media) available on DVD and VHS (really?  You have VHS?)- this work out is 45 minutes long and is a KILLER CORE WORKOUT.  I loved it.  Actually, I hated it, but that means I loved it.  I felt completely sore the next day in my abs and my butt muscles were on fire during some of the exercises.  This is a wonderful strengthening workout and you don’t need a single piece of equipment (although I don’t recommend doing it on a hard floor without carpet or a mat).  You also don’t need a lot of space in your living room or bedroom.  There is no cardio in this workout whatsoever.  You may sweat and huff and puff, but it's all muscle work.  I really liked it.  This video is part of a series...the other two are upper body and lower body workouts.  If you can't make it to core barre, or a core fusion class, this is an EXCELLENT substitute.

"Skinny Bitch: Booty Bounce" available at Arlington and Alexandria Libraries...and in stores.  But dont waste your money.  This DVD was AWFUL.  At first I thought, two friends trying to get in shape.  Sounds familiar.  The chemistry between the two was slightly off, and one of the girls reminded me of Dee from Always Sunny in Philadelphia.  The moves are NOT a work out, the music is terrible, and the choreography isn't fun.  So what's the point?  I wasted 40 minutes of my life reviewing this for you all.  I bit the bullet.  Youre welcome America.

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