Sunday, August 25, 2013

Mobile test, Bikram, and Vegas

Got the Blogger app for my phone and wanted to test it out. 

Also, thought everyone should know that Chesti tried to kill me yesterday by convincing me to try Bikram yoga. I've done hot yoga. I even kind of like it. Bikram is hot AND humid and (this class at least) 90 minutes. I can see why people like it, I definitely got deeper into my stretches and probably lost 3 pounds through sweat, but it is not for this girl. Glad I tried it even I alternately thought I was going to hurl or pass out. If they find me dead in a pool of my own sweat in full wheel pose in a Bikram studio, tell the cops it was Chesti. 

Oh, and in case we haven't mentioned, Chesti and I are headed to Vegas next weekend! We are going to try to take at least one class there and write about it. VEGAS COUNTDOWN!

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