Monday, August 12, 2013


PIES (mmmm pie) now offers Flow FIT.  Currently, the class is offered at 6am on Fridays (you have to actually log in to the mind body scheduler to see the class - it is not on the calendar on the website).  I took it and loved it.  It's a great filler for what PIES was missing as noted in our previous post.  This is a yoga/pilates class.  The class is taught by Kristen Golden who teaches free First Sundays Yoga and $5 Sunday Yoga.  She incorporates weights into the yoga moves and focuses on core strengthening.  Apparently Kristen is an acrobat (very cool) and she brings those strengthening moves to the table for class.  I really liked the class and the time slot.  Right now, it is new so it’s a very small class.  This class is akin to a private session, but at an absolute steal of a price. 

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