I love the heat. Especially now that its getting colder, there is nothing better to this girl than walking into a hot and humid room. Instant relief. I"m the kind of person that gets a chill so deep in her bones in takes hours to shake. For as much as I hate winter, I'm excited that this year I have a "safe zone" at Alexandria Bikram. Bikram is Bikram. Where ever you go. The postures are all the same, 26 moves you hold for about 36 seconds (2 sets each) for a total of 90 minutes, the temp and humidity is the same everywhere (about 100 degrees and 40-50% humidity) and even the instructors dialogue is pretty much the same (yet some how it doesn't feel as scripted as Tae Bow. Probably because its not obnoxious inspiration jargon but description that you focus on to get the posture right). The rooms are the same as well, there are heat vents everywhere that newbies shouldn't stand under and mirrors lining the front wall. The floors are an anti bacterial something or other, but i still get sketched out by the thought of it. For someone who doesn't normally sweat, I am half naked and drenched by the end of class. And I couldn't feel better. I feel lighter, detoxed, stronger, and somehow, more energized. It is one class that I shower before I leave the studio because my clothes and underwear are dripping wet and I want to wash out all of my pores (I have openly admitted that I am shallow and I dont want breakouts).
A quick take on Alexandria Bikram before I discuss Bikram in general. Alexandria Bikram http://www.bikramalexandria.com/home/ at 5416 Eisenhower Avenue Alexeandria is literally right next to the Van Dorn Metro. There is a ton of parking and very easy to get to from 395 or 495. The studio is in the back of a warehouse looking building. As owner Jim Ambrogi says, its not much to look at. But it has everything you need and want (including child care for moms and dads). The studio has one main room with markings for where to put your mat. I LOVE THIS. It makes it impossible for someone to be right on top of me and it also staggers the positioning so even if someone is in front of you, you have mirror space. The studio also has two showers and a large changing room in addition to cubbies outside of the hot room. Alexandria Bikram rents towels and mats for $1. This is a bargain especially if you are going to get back on the metro after class and dont want a soaking wet towel and mat with you. Its the one time I actually rent mats. The instructors also have a fridge in the room and offer up all sorts of beverages DURING class. You just pay afterwards. And at the end of class, the instructor puts an ice cold eucalyptus towel over your eyes. Jim the owner is a pisser. Thats a good thing. He is the sweetest guy hiding behind a tough cranky former military persona. He is tough on students, but also very helpful and wants to make sure you get it right. If you are overly sensitive, I dont suggest your first class with him. But certainly take class with him at some point- he studied with Bikram and learned from the creator of this form of yoga.
Bikram.... its just like hatha yoga. Only hotter and more humid. Actually, the poses are virtually the same except they call them different things. Bikram is all about stretching and working on the internal skeleton. There are proven health benefits. According to one website:
"Each posture stretches, strengthens and prepares specific muscles, ligaments, and joints needed for the next posture. This method also stimulates the organs, glands, and nerves, moving fresh oxygenated blood to 100 percent of the body, restoring all systems to a healthy working order. It is designed to deliver total health through the balancing and strengthening of every system in the body in order to prevent illness, injury, promote weight loss, and limit the effects of aging. A heated room warms your muscles, prevents injury, allows a deeper workout and cleanses the body by flushing toxins."
I noticed at first my face was breaking out a bit but thats because of all of the crap trapped in my pores. Sweat cleanses the body. Its sort of sweat's "thing". This type of yoga really is for everyone. In my class this weekend there was a 73 year old grandma there on her first visit! This was not Jane Fonda who was clearly in good shape her whole life. this was a normal grandma. And she did it! Next week when I go to visit family I'm going to try and convince my 64 year old Dad to give it a try. I think its especially good for older people to work on balance and keep the joints "juicy" as they say at Bikram. My Dad will likely bitch about the heat the entire time, but its not too bad.
Here are a few tips on Bikram. First, its called BIC-rum. NOT beek rum. Good, got that out of the way. Second, DO NOT MAKE BIKRAM YOUR FIRST YOGA CLASS OR YOUR FIRST HOT YOGA CLASS. Start with a "warm yoga" "gentle hatha" or even regular hot beginners class. Trust me on this. This is not flow (vinyassa). You hold postures so its a bit less "cardio." When you do take a class, bring two or three waters. Two of them frozen because they will melt. Bring a towel for your mat and a towel for your hands and hell, while you are at it, a towel for your face. Try not to wear 100% cotton. This is the time for lycra and spandex. Wear a bathing suit if you want (and no one cares what you look like). I've seen people wearing t-shirts and they look miserable. I couldn't imagine wearing a t-shirt to these classes. I like to wear shorts, but your legs will get sweaty and wet too so some moves (like tree) are a bit more difficult. Get to class a half hour early. THIS IS KEY. Give yourself 15 minutes to just lie down in the room and get used to the heat. At first it will feel great (on a cold day), then uncomfortable, and then you will adjust.
Give it a try, you may love it, or you may hate it. Fudge hates it. But Fudge openly admits to a mental block against humidity. She does like hot yoga. I'm not blaming Fudge for not being a Bikram fan, I would never ever agree to cold yoga. I'm just sad that I dont have my buddy with me at Bikram.
One final note: Yogis hate Bikram people and Bikram people hate yogis. Ok, maybe hate is a strong word and a bit over dramatic, but there is a lot of tension between the two groups. Personally, I dont give a shit what there politics are. I'm into both styles for the fitness benefits and for what they both do for my mental state. Recently the founder of Bikram was accussed of some pretty awful things. I dont really care what happens to him, but I certainly dont support him. I think we will see a lot of Bikram studios continue the same practice, but call it something different. Many already are. Nonetheless, not trying this form of yoga would be the same as not golfing because Tiger Woods is a lying cheating spineless womanizing bastard. Well, if you dont golf thats cool with me. Tiger Woods is a punk. And that my friends, was my random tangent for the day.
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