Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Post-Vegas Fudge

As you can see, I only managed to post once from Vegas.  We were constantly on the move, walking and dancing mostly.  Toward the end there was a decent amount of eating too.  I never quite made it to the point of sweating tequila, but I did discover the beauty of red licorice vodka.

We did dance to some great music, though.

As for exercise other than walking and dancing, we took a pilates barre class at the Bellagio Fitness Center.  The fitness center was nice (great spa area with a steam room, sauna, and hot tubs), but the class left something to be desired.  Maybe it is geared toward people who want to sweat out some tequila, but I can't imagine those people are choosing to take fitness classes in high enough numbers to justify such a low intensity class.  Anyway, it was nice to take a class and play around in the facilities, but if I had paid to take that class at home I would have been unsatisfied.  For $40, though, you get the class and access to the facilities all day so, for the price, it really is a fantastic deal.

Our last morning we spent some quality time at Wicked Spoon and in honor of that visit, I offer these tips on yoga poses for heartburn. :)

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